Hi there, I'm Sarah. I'm a freedom seeker based in Maui. Freedom seeking is a typical characteristic of an Indigo, something that I have written about here over the last 10 years, and in my book Indigo Revolution. The Indigo Revolution is about changing the systems - all of them, by recognizing all of the social conditioning we've been programmed with all of our lives and undoing it. Your programming covers up who you are and what you want. It keeps things from ever changing.
Once you're aware of your programming you can change it. You can stop living your life by default, like you were trained to do. You can stop playing the role that you didn't choose.
We can chart our own paths. We can live another way, outside all of society's approved boxes. We all have an inner guidance system leading us to our own box, that other people won't understand or accept. That's ok. They don't have to. It's not their life.
One life does not fit all! There's no one right way to live.
It's amazing how many people think they know what is right, and best for you, never having lived a day in your shoes. We're all shaped by our family, culture, and society but we all have our own values, interests, and preferences. We shouldn't be expected to uphold and continue other people's wants. What about our wants?
None of society's established paths, systems, traditions, beliefs, and ways of being have been for me. I always knew there was something more to life than the standard life event checklist (school, work, marriage, kids, die). Much more. I keep finding new systems to break free from. There are so many belief cycles to step out of.
On the Enneagram personality scale, I'm a Type 5 - The Investigator. Fives try to master the world by understanding it and collecting information. Fives want to find out why things are the way they are, which is another Indigo trait. Fives want to understand how the world works. I want to know all the secrets of the universe and what's the point of it all. There's got to be more to life than modern day enslavement.
I love learning. I was a formal student until I was 30. I earned a law degree. The "real world" didn't work for me at all. I started seeking and I came across other people out there, spread across the globe, similar to me. That's where I first became aware of the term Indigo. We're basically nonconformists, which is rather challenging when all of societies systems of success depend on you conforming. It doesn't come naturally to us. In fact, it can be quite detrimental to our health!
Anyway, a lot of those people's writings and videos helped me along the way. Hopefully I can be someone that helps you!
As is any journey, it's fraught with highs and lows. After years of writing how to cope with and understand life's challenges for Indigos, I'm switching gears to how to enjoy it!
In 2011, I moved to Maui by myself, my favorite place in the world and then I never left. After a decades long hiatus, I've started traveling again. There's no better way to learn or feel free.
I travel mostly solo. I read a lot. I still research and take notes for fun.
Fives are drawn to the unusual, the overlooked, the secret, the occult, the paranormal, the bizarre, the fantastic, and the unthinkable. Much of my writing and places I visit have these underlying supernatural elements. Supernatural is my favorite TV show by the way - saving people hunting things.
Websites are supposed to be dedicated to one unique niche. This one is not. Do you have only 1 tab open on your web browser? I don't! I read, write, snorkel, travel, photograph honu (sea turtles), and pull oracle cards! This is my space to share my experiences and what I've learned. Thanks for stopping by. I hope that you learn something new!